What do you really think!

Greetings Dear Friends,

As Emerson said, “Thought rules the world.” Since wintry March encourages introspection, perhaps we might want to look at our deepest-held thoughts and beliefs about Life and how It works. Simple subject, no?! Let’s see if we can simplify it for our consideration:

Below is a shortened version of what Ernest Holmes, author and founder of the book and spiritual philosophy called The Science of Mind, stated as his beliefs. It is a reduction and summary of 13 original statements Holmes wrote for the Science of Mind Magazine many years ago.

  • I believe in ONE God expressing through every living being.
  • I believe that God is personal to everyone and makes Itself known to all who recognize Its presence.
  • I believe that God is love and only creates out of a desire to express love.
  • I believe and trust that God has in mind the highest and greatest good for every person and is always seeking to bring that good into their life.
  • I believe that our thought is creative and that how we choose to think creates our personal experience.
  • I believe that by changing the way we think, we can affect our lives in a healing and positive way.
  • I believe in the unity of all life and the immortality of the individual soul forever unfolding.
  • I believe in the eternal goodness, the eternal Loving-Kindness, and the Givingness of life to all.

I, Nancy, believe this list covers the basic truths about Life, and that it has the potential to uncover any conflicts in thinking about what Life is that may be keeping one from living her/his ideal life. Questions or comments? I’m available by email or phone. I will also be happy to furnish Holmes’ original, complete statement to anyone who wants it.



Let Love Shine

Dear Friends,

Happy February and happy Life to you! This month we celebrate Love—with very good reason, for Love is the greatest expression of Life there is! A century ago, Thomas Troward defined for us these Seven Qualities of God: Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy. (Longer lists have been compiled—a case could be made for adding Harmony, for instance, although I believe it is implicit in Peace and in Beauty. I like the conciseness of this list.)

How can one best celebrate Life with Love? Let’s change one word: We celebrate Life AS Love. We BE Love. Again, the how question arises: “how do we do that?” We can celebrate the easy answer to that question, because we don’t need to find or create or become love; we already are Love. Troward’s list points out that Love is a natural element of who we are, for each of us is made in the image and likeness and out of the substance of God.

We already are love. What we need to do if we want to express Love is to let it shine, as our old Sunday school song says: “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!”

Let Love Shine

All that is necessary to express Love’s powerful and healing energy is to remove from our thinking anything that disagrees with it. As we replace our thoughts of judgment, lack and its accompanying jealousy and competition, anger and resentment, we will find ourselves naturally floating in the Allness of God’s Goodness; the seven qualities will be showing up in our individuated, personal lives!

When we live AS love and compassion, we live in peace—and in vital, personal fullness!

Be kind and be well,

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